Available Models

555 004 DF50 Poly Pump DEF Stationary Package
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    Item#: 555004


552 164A  506 Reel 750 526 833 722
 Pneumatic Pump Package 555 004
DF50 Poly Pump 552 164
Mounting Plate 9411 2045
DEF Meter 1/2" BSPP 366 010
Meter Bracket 9411 2053
LP DEF Hose 30' x 1/2" 506 762
LP Hose 5' x 1/4" 802
DEF Hose 9' x 3/4"  750 526 
SS Nozzle/Auto Shut-off 833 722
1/4" Mini Piggyback F/R 955
Nipple 1/2" x 1/2" BSPP  93160008